

Kulak çınlaması, zamanında tedavi edilmezse vertigo ve sağırlığa neden olabilir. Bu sebeple kulak çınlaması olanlar için dikkate edilmesi gerekenler aşağıda özetlenmiştir.


  1. Başta yüksek stres düzeyi olmak üzere, kronik yorgunluk, yüksek tansiyon, kalp damar ve beyin damar rahatsızlığı, menier hastalığı (baş dönmesi ile birlikte kulak çınlaması, otosklerosis rahatsızlığı (kulakta kemik büyüme baskısı), kansızlık, allerji, troid rahatsızlıkları, boyun eklem romatizması, karotit atardamar sertliği, kalp damar hastalıkları, akustik nöroma (acoustic neuroma), tümör, MS hastalığı ve çene kemiği bağlantı rahatsızlığı (temporomandibular joint) konusunda hassas olsunlar. bu rahatsızlıklar kulak çınlaması yapabilir.
  2. Ototoksik ilaçlar, bir yandan fayda sağlarken diğer yandan zarar veren ilaçlardır. Ailesinde kulak çınlaması, baş dönmesi ve sağırlık hikayesi olanlarda, yüksek ses ortamında bulunanlar veya yüksek sesle müzik dinleyenlerde bu ilaçlar daha zarar verici bir hale gelebilirler. Bu ilaçlara örnek olarak, kemoterapi ilaçları-cisplatin and carboplatin, idrar söktürücüler, aspirin, anti-enflamatuarlar bazı antibiyotikler, anti depresanlar, aminoglikosid antibiyotikler (aminoglycoside antibiotics-gentamicin verilebilir. Bu tip ilaçlar kullanılmadan önce bir işitme testi yapılarak zaman zaman kullanılan ilacın kulak sağlığına olan etkisi izlenmelidir. Bu tip ilaçların sürekli kullanılması durumunda 1 hafta içinde %70 işitme kaybına sebep olduğu bilinmektedir.
  3. Kulakta bir enfeksiyon veya tıkanma, alkol, sigara, kafein, yüksek ses, şeker, tuz ve asitli içecekler kulak çınlaması yapabilir.
  4. Kulak çınlamasına baş dönemesi ve işitme kaybının eşlik etmesi işitme sinirlerinde bir rahatsızlığın olduğunu gösterir. Kulak çınlaması sadece bir kulakta var ve ağrı ve baş dönmesi eşlik ediyorsa mennier hastalığından şüphelenilmelidir.


  1. Kulak çınlaması belleğimizde kayıtlı bir ses olarak işitilebilir. Bu durumlarda, güzel şeyler hayal ederek, hoş bir müzik dinleyerek, başka bir şeye odaklanarak, progressive masaj yaparak (ayaktan başlayıp yukarı boyuna doğru kasları 30 sn. boyunca gevşetip bırakmak), derin nefes alıp vermek, şarkı söylemekle bu ses maskelenerek etkisiz hale getirilebilir.
  2. Kulak çınlaması beyinde bir inanç yaratılarak da önlenebilir. Kulak çınlaması klima sesi nasıl bir müddet sonra önemsiz bir ses olarak algılanıp duyulmuyorsa, kulak çınlaması da bilinç altında böyle bir duygu yaratılarak bilinç üstüne çıkması engellenebilir.
  3. Gıda desteği olarak ginkgo biloba veya çinko ve magnezyum destekleri faydalıdır. Akapunktur, manyetik alan tedavisi ve hipnoz da tedavide yararlı görülmektedir.
  4. Alkali bir diyet uygulanmalıdır.
  5. Fiziki egzersiz ve sportif faaliyetler önemsenmelidir.
  6. Kulak çınlaması sebepleri genellikle kişiseldir. Yiyecek ve içecekler açısından, hangi şeyin kulak çınlamasını arttırdığını, 1 hafta bazı yiyeceklerden ve içeceklerden uzak durup, deneyerek tespit edip, bu yiyecek ve içeceklerden uzak durulmalıdır.
  7. Diş tedavisi çene kemiğinin başa bağlandığı yerden kaynaklanan kulak çınlamaları için önemli olabilir.


Kulak çınlaması ve işitme kaybının birlikte bulunduğu durumlarda en güncel tedavi sibernetik tıp yaklaşımı olarak görülebilir. Bu tedavi duyu hücrelerini etkileyen tüm antropik kirliliğin bölgeden uzaklaştırılması, temizlenen hücrelerde homostatik dengeyi bozan unsurların analiz edilerek belirlenmesi ve yeniden homostatik dengenin kurularak hücrelerin sağlıklı çalışmasını temin etme üzerine kuruludur.



  1. Age: The natural ageingprocess can result in a deterioration of the cochlea or other parts of the ear. Around the age of 60, hearing sensitivity can start getting worse. Hearing loss associated with natural aging is called presbycusis, and it can be accompanied by tinnitus.
  2. The temporomandibular joint(TMJ): the area where the jaw bone attaches to the head, just in front of the ear. They suggest that dental treatment may relieve symptoms of tinnitus, because the muscles and nerves in the jaw are closely connected to those in the ear.
  3. Loud noise exposure: Being exposed to occupational loud noise on a regular basis from heavy equipment, chain saws or firearms is a common cause of tinnitus. However, even if you don’t work in a noisy environment, you can still suffer the effects of noise exposure by listening to loud music through headphones, attending live music performances frequently and engaging in noisy hobbies.
  4. Unhealthy habits: Researchers are not entirely certain why, but drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, eating certain foods and consuming caffeinated beverages can play a role in tinnitus.
  5. Common ailments: Having anemia, allergies, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, circulatory problems, diabetes and an underactive thyroid gland are all medical conditions that can lead to tinnitus.
  6. Meniere’s disease: This disorder is characterized by a classic trio of symptoms: tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss and dizziness. Meniere’s disease isn’t directly connected to tinnitus, but people with Meniere’s often experience it, at least temporarily. Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disease that typically only affects one ear. Meniere’s disease – This disease can cause pressure or pain in the ear, The noise is accompanied by dizziness – this may be a sign of Ménière’s disease or a neurological problem. While Meniere’s isn’t fully understood, it appears that several relief options for tinnitus can also help with this disease. Patients are often advised to reduce stress and lower their consumption of caffeine and sodium.
  7. Hearing loss: Damage to the sensory cells in the inner ear, especially due to aging or noise exposure can cause tinnitus as well as hearing loss.
  8. Injuries to the head and neck
  9. Atherosclerosis of the carotid artery – Putting pressure on the carotid artery can sometimes decrease the intensity of the tinnitus.
  10. Stress and fatigue seems to worsen tinnitus.
  1. vere hypertension – People with high blood pressure can also experience a throbbing headache, restlessness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision and seizures.
  1. Otosclerosis – This disease may cause tinnitus as the middle ear bones stiffen and freeze.
  2. Acoustic neuroma – This slow-growing, benign tumor on the auditory nerve is also accompanied by facial paralysis, headache, nausea and vomiting.
  • Atherosclerosis of the carotid artery – Putting pressure on the carotid artery can sometimes decrease the intensity of the tinnitus.
  • Certain medications can damage the ear, resulting in hearing loss, ringing in the ear, or balance disorders. These drugs are considered ototoxic. Hearing and balance problems caused by these drugs can sometimes be reversed when the drug therapy is discontinued. Sometimes, however, the damage is permanent. Certain medications, such as some chemotherapy medicines, antibiotics, diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirin (this is more likely to occur at very high doses) can cause tinnitus. include certain aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gentamicin (family history may increase susceptibility), and cancer chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin and carboplatin. Drugs known to cause temporary damage include salicylate pain relievers (aspirin, used for pain relief and to treat heart conditions), quinine (to treat malaria), and loop diuretics (to treat certain heart and kidney conditions).
  • Other medical issues often associated with tinnitus as a symptom include arthritis of the neck, multipe sclerosis and glomus jugulare tumor.


  1. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): TRT depends upon the natural ability of the brainto “habituate” a signal, to filter it out on a subconscious level so that it does not reach conscious perception. Dental Treatment.
  2. Supplements: Ginkgo bilobaor minerals such as zinc or magnesium and acupuncture, magnets, or hypnosis.
  3. Monitor your hearing and balance systems before and during treatment. Before starting the treatment, a baseline record of your hearing and balance should be recorded by an audiologist. The baseline record should include an audiologic hearing test that uses high-pitched testing, word recognition, and other tests when possible. This information can help you and your doctor make any important decisions to stop or change the drug therapy before your hearing is damaged.
  4. A Diet special to the person. Some foods may aggravate the tinnitus, where others have no effect. A food should be avoided for a period of seven days. Your body should be challenged by reintroducing that food, withdrawing it, re-challenging it, and withdrawing it again to see it the tinnitus presents itself again.
  5. Exercise
  6. Dietary changes:Reduce the amount of sodium. A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Limit consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.
  7. Reduce stress:Stress and anxiety can temporarily increase blood pressure and cause tinnitus. Get a massage, meditating or practicing deep-breathing exercises. Increase amount of physical activity in general will also decrease stress. Consider taking a day off work to simply relax, go for a walk or enjoy time with family.
  8. Decrease caffeine:Consuming too much coffee or soda regularly can not only increase blood pressure, it can aggravate tinnitus.
  9. Learn to habituate tinnitus, or ignore it, is one of the best ways to find relief. find things that you enjoy doing to occupy your time and help your mind forget about the ringing sensation in your ear. Whether you like to garden, paint or go hiking, these hobbies can take your mind off of the frustration and help you to refocus your concentration on something that makes you happy.
  10. At times when your tinnitus is most bothersome, like when you’re trying to fall asleep, you can use a sound generator to play white noise, ocean sounds or other environmental sounds to distract your brain from focusing on the unwanted sounds. Set the volume at a level that just barely covers your tinnitus and allows you to concentrate on the noise in the room instead of the noise in your head.
  11. Relaxation techniques: Yoga can be very beneficial for tinnitus because you are taught to pay attention to your breath and you learn to tune into what your body is “saying” to you.
  12. Autogenic relaxation: Think of a phrase or saying that relaxes your mind and helps you to imagine a peaceful place, and simply repeat it in your head. While doing this, try to sit in a comfortable position and slowly breathe in and out.
  13. Visualization:Similar to autogenic relaxation, visualization helps to calm your body by thinking of a place that makes you feel at ease. For example, if you are thinking of a beach, don’t simply imagine yourself sitting on a beach, but try to bring all of your senses into play. Think of the salty smell in the air, the warm humidity, the sound of the crashing waves, the feeling of the sand between your toes and the warmth of the sun on your skin.
  14. Progressive muscle relaxation:It is probably easiest to try progressive muscle relaxation while standing up, but you can also receive some benefits by sitting down. Start by tensing the muscles in your toes and feet for about five to 10 seconds. Then, slowly release these muscles for 30 seconds and do the same for the legs, hips, abdomen, lower back, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and jaw.


The Cybernetic Approach is the most modern and effective approach in treating the tinnitus and hearing loss.  It is based on clearance of antropic energies effecting the hearing cells, homostatic analysis and re-establishing of homostatis in the reagon


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